Inside a High Council (John Larsson) – Chapter 6 (Nominees)

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Chapter Six

Nominees THERE is a distinct air of expectancy as the members of the High Council return to the council chamber following the adjournment granted for the nominees to decide whether or not to accept nomination. The President will shortly ask each of them in turn to respond. In two previous High Councils not all nominees were present at this point in the life of the Council to give their responses in person. In 1939 the Chief of the Staff, Commissioner John McMillan, and Commissioner Samuel Hurren (Principal of the International Training College) were absent due to illness, yet both were nominated. The President arranged for each to be visited by two members of the Council in order to ascertain their answers and the deputations returned with letters from them in which each declined nomination. Commissioner John McMillan died four weeks later. In 1954, as already mentioned, General Albert Orsborn was nominated at the High Council convened to elect his successor. When informed, he too declined. If others from outside the High Council should be nominated in the future, the Orders of Procedure are clear. The President is to inform them of their nomination, obtain their response, and if affirmative, invite them to make their way to Sunbury Court as quickly as possible in order to take part in the High Council’s proceedings. The length of the adjournment for nominees to decide whether to accept or decline has gradually been extended with successive High Councils. Nominees are faced with a momentous decision. 63

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Acceptance will not only mean that they may have to assume the burdens of the generalship but in many cases will involve them serving for additional years before reaching retirement. Such factors, especially for those who find themselves unexpectedly nominated, raise questions that need careful pondering. A married nominee will want to discuss the issues at depth with his or her spouse. It is therefore almost surprising to discover how quickly the nominees were required to make up their minds in the early High Councils. For example, the 12 nominees in the 1946 High Council, some of whom would have received their nomination with surprise, were given precisely 20 minutes to decide. Later High Councils recognised the need for the nominees to be granted more time and, with the increased facility for international telephone calls, the Orders of Procedure eventually decreed that the adjournment must be long enough for nominees to be able to consult their spouses by telephone. Contemporary High Councils, at which spouses are present, allow nominees adequate time for reflection and consultation before they have to make their response. ‘This period to be not less than four hours, or longer at the discretion of the President,’ state the Orders of Procedure. The Orders of Procedure also take very seriously the matter of both spouses being in agreement with the decision. The relevant paragraph reads: ‘In the case of a married officer accepting nomination to the office of General, the spouse shall be asked to assure that he/she is in accord with the spouse’s decision to stand for election.’ Another way in which procedures of High Councils have become kinder to nominees in the sometimes difficult decision they have to take, is that they are now authorised by the Orders of Procedure to ask the President privately during the adjournment how many nominations they have received. This was not so in the early High Councils. At those Councils the tellers handed to the President a list of all the nominees in alphabetical order, but without any indication of how many votes 64

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each nominee had received. From 1969 onwards, however, the tellers were instructed by the Orders of Procedure to provide an additional list with the names of those who had been nominated by three or fewer (later five or fewer) members, and the President was authorised to disclose privately to any inquiring nominee whether their names were on that additional list. The reforming 1999 High Council considered that even this provision was insufficient for nominees faced with the decision of whether or not to accept nomination. The Council felt that it was in the interest of both the nominees personally, and the High Council as a whole, for the nominees to know the actual number of nominations they had received. The Council therefore amended the Orders of Procedure and the tellers were instructed to include on the alphabetical list of nominees the number of nominations each had received, and authorised the President to make known privately to any nominee who enquired the number of nominations he or she had received. This ruling has been maintained by succeeding High Councils. The information about the number of nominations received can be an important factor when nominees consider their response. Some nominee might discover that he or she has been nominated by enough members to make eventual election likely, whilst another may discover that nomination is by the barest minimum, making eventual election a more remote possibility. However, it is not mandatory that nominees enquire, and not all nominees avail themselves of this provision, some feeling that the fact that they have been duly nominated by at least three of their colleagues is a sufficient basis on which to accept nomination. The human drama of saying ‘Yes’ A number of Generals have recorded in their memoirs their thoughts and feelings when faced with the decision whether or not to accept nomination. Their personal sharing reveals not only the human drama of the moment but also the many and diverse factors that such a decision may involve. 65

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General Albert Orsborn wrote movingly, with the insight and descriptive power of a poet, about his experience of the 1946 High Council at which he was elected General: For myself, I felt the seriousness of the actual nomination as the time approached. I knew it was coming, but from whom I could not say. I thought I was mentally and spiritually conditioned to meet it. Yet, in that solemn and pregnant moment, I trembled ... Nomination did not solemnise me as much in 1939 as it did in 1946. In the interval I had looked more deeply into its implications. It had come home to me that all my previous appointments had been decided by my leaders. I had not been consulted about them; I had accepted them without question. But now I was being asked to say ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to a nomination which might lead to the heaviest, most responsible post of all. It made me think. I had always received marching orders, written and signed by my responsible leaders. This had been a strength to me. If elected, who would give me my appointment? Then I apprehended the inexpressible demand of a worldwide Army for spiritual leadership…I knew that election would mean that the host of God would be looking to me. They would expect me to be always the man with a message. The thought made me tremble. The General is not merely the titular head of an organisation, he inherits a spiritual trust which is not just a repository of ideals but is a tradition of vision, inspiration, holy example and dedication to God. Another more personal hesitation arose from my disinclination to travel. I had never liked it, preferring home and the quieter ways. I especially disliked flying. I was never any good at heights! The idea of being constantly on the wing, or aboard ship, did not appeal to me. This was, however, counterbalanced and compensated by my passionate love of people. I did not want to see places, but if by travel I could reach our precious Salvationists, and carry the salvation message to countless thousands, I would do it. Perhaps an even deeper change within me, since 1939, because of inexpressible sorrows, [Albert Orsborn had been widowed for a second time] made me reluctant to accept new burdens.


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I took these matters, with others, to God in prayer during the interval in Council business. I wanted to say ‘No’. Only a conviction that I must accept nomination, carried me forward. In my life I have heard a great deal about people receiving absolute divine guidance and assurance in coming to decisions. I cannot truly say things have gone like that with me. More often than not, it has seemed that God drove me back upon my own knowledge of the facts, and upon my own willingness to take a decision, and step out in faith. It was so at the High Council. No new or dramatic revelation was vouchsafed to me. As I prayed a settlement and peace came to me. I looked up to God and told him of my complete inability to do anything without him. Then – and only then – I received my text: ‘In quietness and confidence shall be your strength’.1

General Erik Wickberg recalls in Inkallad (Called Up) that it was with ‘great reservations’ that he accepted nomination at the 1969 High Council, which elected him as General. He expands on those reservations when writing about the ‘mixed feelings’ he experienced following election. ‘Now it would be another five years before we could return home to Sweden [he had been the Chief of the Staff for nine years, and prior to that the territorial commander for Germany, and before that the chief secretary for Switzerland]. Many long journeys around the world lay ahead, with heavy meeting programmes. I have said more than once that had I not had the long period as Chief of the Staff I would hardly have felt up to the task. ‘The purely administrative side of the generalship I was well acquainted with, but to take on such a responsibility at that age [Erik Wickberg was 65 at the time and the retirement age for Generals was then 70] can undoubtedly appear quite rash. To be sure, both Gretel and I were in good health, and hoped to get through these five years in vigorous physical and spiritual form.’2 In En Vallfartssång (A Pilgrim’s Song) General Jarl Wahlström refers to the affirming influence of his wife Maire at key turning points of his life. He highlights her role when writing about his 67

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nomination at the 1981 High Council at which he was elected General: ‘It had been agreed that every candidate should make contact with his wife to make sure that she too supported the matter. Generalship involves greater obligations and burdens for each of the partners. So I phoned Stockholm [Jarl Wahlström was the Territorial Commander for Sweden at the time] and informed Maire that I had been nominated. “What do you think? Should I accept nomination?” Maire thought for a moment and then said: “You must decide for yourself. But I am not against it.” So once again Maire had said “yes” without really knowing what it would involve.’3 In his biography of General Eva Burrows, General of God’s Army, Colonel Henry Gariepy describes how following nomination at the 1986 High Council, at which she was elected General, ‘Eva retired to her room to pray. She monitored her motives. “Do I want to accept this because it would be the crowning pinnacle of my life? Do I want this to show that a woman can do it?” Having crystallised and chastened her own motives, she was led to an awareness that it was right for her to accept nomination.’ ‘“When I accepted nomination, I did not say to myself, ‘That means you’re going to be in, you’re going to be the General.’ No, I think I was very prepared, saying, ‘Lord, I am ready to be accepted, but if I am not, it’s all right.’ I was so happy in Australia [Eva Burrows was Territorial Commander of the Australia Southern Territory at the time] and really enjoying that demanding leadership role. I would have been perfectly happy to go back…So I was at peace whatever the decision.”’4 At the 1994 High Council the then Commissioner Paul A. Rader, Territorial Commander of the USA Western Territory, found himself being considered a very obvious candidate to be the next General. He had been the one other candidate remaining in the field in the final ballot at the High Council held the previous year. In her 68

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biography of Paul A. Rader and Kay F. Rader, If Two Shall Agree, Carroll Ferguson Hunt picks up the story, based on her interviews with them, from when the unexpected vacancy in the office of General became known: One or two people made the comment, ‘Well, you’re next.’ But neither Rader was looking for promotion. The West was a wonderful place to be, and going through the election process again held no charm whatsoever. Paul turned aside their well-meant comments by saying, ‘You’re very kind, but that remains to be seen, doesn’t it?’ Just days before he left [for the High Council], Kay and Paul spent a day hidden away in a motel room in California, a day of praying, reading, thinking, talking. ‘We were not at all sure if Paul were nominated that we wanted to accept,’ Kay says. ‘We had settled in to go on with MISSION 2000 there in the West…I perhaps more than Paul considered what it would do to our family.’ Kay knew that it would entail a loss of privacy for their children and grandchildren, creating a vulnerability to public scrutiny they did not choose. And for both Kay and Paul, a nomination would require them to face the possibility of a second highly visible and much discussed rejection, a prospect most difficult to contemplate. Paul says his reluctance centred around questions concerning what the Lord wanted. ‘If God didn’t want you in 1993, why should he want you in 1994?’ he said. How did they resolve these questions? ‘We prayed on our knees all day,’ Kay says. Paul knew that ‘it was important we both be on board, because it involves, as we found out, a lot of physical effort, vulnerability, exposure, and plenty else’. They had to weigh these demands against the fact that they were well and happily situated where they were. ‘I didn’t know whether I wanted to go through that or not,’ she remembers. ‘I did not want to be just the General’s wife. I had no aspirations for that.’ So how does one deal with such a prospect? ‘We had to pray until


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we were willing to let the world march through our souls’ is Kay’s answer. At the end of their day of prayer had they reached that point? Paul: ‘Yes, we had.’ Kay: ‘More or less.’ Paul: ‘Oh, I think we had. We said we had. We went forward from there. I left soon after for the High Council [at which he was elected General].’5

General John Gowans, elected by the 1999 High Council, reflected on his thoughts and feelings about being nominated in his autobiography There’s a Boy Here. He writes: I was privileged to attend three High Councils and to be nominated each time. This meant a kind of trilogy of testing, if not torture! Three times I had to decide whether or not I should accept nomination, and three times I accepted. Was this the worst kind of vanity on my part? No, it was naïve obedience; I have never refused an appointment. It was not that I thought I might be chosen for office by my peers, but I did know that God often chooses the weak for his purposes. If he wanted to make such a choice, I should not deprive him of the possibility. I did not propose myself. I could not appoint myself. In an odd way, I felt safe each time and at peace.6

As I myself was the Chief of the Staff at the time of the 2002 High Council, I was not unmindful of the fact that I might be nominated to be a candidate for the generalship. My wife Freda and I had thought and prayed about it and had determined what our response would be if it happened. I write in my autobiography: ‘We both felt that the doctrine of availability had to be operative. If asked, we would respond that we were available.’7 It would be yet another instance of Saying Yes to Life, as I entitled my memoirs. This was not a time to start saying no. Following his election as the international leader in 2006, General Shaw Clifton was reminded in an interview that he had 70

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been nominated at three High Councils and was asked to tell ‘how easy or difficult it is to accept nomination’. He responded: Once the nominations are made, the High Council will adjourn…and you will have a sensible length of time to go away and be alone and pray that through. The first time it happened to me, Helen wasn’t there, and I had to call her in Pakistan from London. I was quite taken aback to be nominated. I was only 53 years of age. I was a colonel, which sounds like a high rank, but relative to others in the High Council I was one of the most junior people… So I was quite surprised to be nominated, but decided I should accept because I just felt this was part of my commitment as an officer. I saw a likeness, a parallel, I suppose, to not declining an appointment as an officer, and just being at God’s disposal in the Army…I therefore felt I should accept. That also gives you an opportunity to address the High Council and gives you an opportunity to answer the many questions, and therefore an opportunity to influence the Army’s international agenda. It is a unique chance. The second time I felt pretty much the same as that. I was only 56 and did not expect to be elected, but felt that the High Council should be honoured by giving it a choice. Now this most recent time was the hardest of all, and I really was very, very uncertain about it. I didn’t really hesitate the first and second time, but this time I was not sure at all. Helen and I drew apart and we were four or five hours agonising about it, praying about it. Towards the end of that period we got a very clear sense that we should not say no, and I found myself telling the High Council that it was with some reluctance that I accepted nomination. So, to be honest, that did represent a shift in me from the previous occasions. I think the older you get the wiser you get in leadership with an ecclesial body like The Salvation Army. You come to see more clearly what is at stake, and you also have an ever-growing sense of your own lack of worth.8


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The human drama of saying ‘No’ What about those who after reflection choose to say no? It is not uncommon for this to happen. To instance again the 2002 High Council at which I was elected: nine of us were nominated but six chose to decline, leaving only three of us as candidates. Apparently a number of Salvationists who were observing that High Council asked how it could be that so many declined. Are not officers supposed to say yes to appointments? There is as much human drama in the stories of those who choose to say no as there is in the stories of those who choose to say yes. Those who decline nomination follow in a long tradition. Even at the first High Council in 1929, seven members were nominated but only two accepted. From that High Council onwards it has been fully understood that it is entirely in order and perfectly acceptable for a nominee to decline – and that no explanation is either required or expected. A nomination is not an appointment – it is but an exploratory part of the process of spiritual discernment, and it is right that the person concerned should be part of that process. He or she also has insights to add to the process. Furthermore, given that the default setting for officers is to say yes to each new demand, it is right that nominees should be able to say no without any feeling of guilt. Nominees who decline nomination do so for a variety of reasons. For some it will be health – their own or that of their spouse – or it might be the age factor or some other personal or family circumstance. Some may feel that however well intentioned the nomination, they are not really cut out for the task. Some may choose to stand aside for a nominee they feel to be more qualified – someone they feel whose time has come. Others, after consulting with the President about the number of nominations they have received, may decide that, as there is little prospect of their being elected, there is little point in subjecting themselves to the demanding process of standing for election. For some the decision will make itself. For others it will be a difficult choice. Some have declined at one High Council and accepted at the next. For each of 72

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the nominees there will be the weighing of many factors before clarity is reached in heart and mind. The responses When the President of the High Council calls on the nominees in turn to say whether they accept nomination or not, all that they are required to say is either yes or no. However, most nominees choose to clothe their response in a carefully chosen phrase or two or even a longer response. If a nominee is married, his or her spouse speaks to confirm agreement with the decision. The members of the High Council listen attentively and take note. The President then formally declares that those who have accepted nomination are candidates for the office of General. The Council now has before it a panel of candidates from which the choice of the next General has to be made. Sometimes the panel has been large, as in 1946 when there were eight candidates, or as in 2011 when there were nine. Sometimes the choice has been small, as in 1929, 1969 and 1977 when there were just two candidates. Action At this stage of the High Council there is a flurry of activity. The Council is about to embark on a major adjournment – ‘at least one full day’ state the Orders of Procedure – to enable the candidates to prepare written answers to the questions that have been addressed to them and to prepare their speeches. Before that there are a number of things that need to happen. Fortunately, the fact that spouses of colonel territorial commanders are now present at High Councils means that one previous action demanded at this point has been eliminated. With both spouses of married commissioner couples being present from the 1999 High Council on, the High Council of that year introduced a new order of procedure whereby ‘if the spouse of a candidate is not present at the High Council, he or she shall be invited to attend, the Council adjourning until his or her arrival, provided that such invitation shall not be issued if, in the High Council’s 73

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judgement, substantial delay to the proceedings might be caused thereby’. The insertion of the new clause in 1999 was providential, for at that High Council two colonels were nominated and accepted nomination: Colonel Shaw Clifton and Colonel Israel L. Gaither. As a result, Colonel Helen Clifton joined the High Council from Pakistan and Colonel Eva D. Gaither from South Africa without there being any significant delay to the process of the Council. They participated in the deliberations of the Council from that point on, but, not being actual members of the Council, they did not vote. That is now all history, but in the same spirit, should in future a married person from outside the High Council be nominated and accept nomination, the Orders of Procedure state that the invitation to attend the High Council will include the spouse. Action points But the following points need action by the High Council before it adjourns: Firstly, a news release giving the names of the nominees and candidates has to be issued. The High Council communications officer, who has been writing regular bulletins describing the process and ‘atmosphere’ of the High Council, now at last has some hard news to share. Successive High Councils have taken different views as to whether just the names of those who have accepted nomination should be released or whether the full list of nominees, including any declining nominees, should be made known. The question has been discussed as the High Councils have determined their Orders of Procedure. Some members have felt that what is most important is that no nominee who has withdrawn should be embarrassed. Others have felt that it is important and right that the Salvationist family should know the names of all who have been nominated. They have argued that few if any declining nominees would be embarrassed by the disclosure of their names, and that, on the contrary, they should consider their nomination to be a badge of honour. 74

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The early High Councils had no ruling on the matter, but the 1954 High Council added to its Orders of Procedure that only the names of those accepting nomination would be disclosed to the media. That policy remained in force until 1999. The High Council of that year, after debate, broke that tradition and settled for a middle position. Since then the policy has been that the names of all nominees are released ‘except for the names and other identifying details of any declining nominees who request non-publication’. However, the names of declining nominees at some of the earlier High Councils that were not announced at the time of the High Council have since appeared in the official history of The Salvation Army.9 Secondly, the service records of the candidates are made available to members as part of the ‘getting to know you’ process. These documents are again purely factual and contain no value judgements. Thirdly, any High Council office holders who have become candidates or are spouses of candidates have at this point to step down from their tasks, and replacements have to be elected or appointed. A number of High Council Presidents have been nominated but thus far only two Presidents have accepted nomination and become candidates. The first was Commissioner Clarence Wiseman at the 1974 High Council. In that instance, the Vice-President, Commissioner Francis Evans, took over as President. Commissioner Wiseman went on to become the General-elect. The second President to become a candidate was Commissioner William W. Francis in 2011. He was succeeded as President by Commissioner James M. Knaggs. Fourthly, the approved questionnaire for candidates and, if married, the questionnaire for spouses have to be formally presented to the people concerned. Now that the identity of the candidates is known, opportunity has also to be given for members to submit questions addressed to individual candidates. Such questions have to be approved by the Questions Committee and by the High Council as a whole, a process which has to be completed before the Council can adjourn. 75

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When these various matters have been attended to, the President announces the day and time when the High Council will meet again and then declares the proceedings adjourned. With the members having spent many days together in intensive conference the prospect of a break comes as welcome relief with opportunity for relaxation, catching up with emails and for seasons of prayer. The happy chatter of members as they leave the hall tells its own story. For the candidates, however, the day ahead is going to be one of intense concentration and hard work.


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